S16 Inquiry based Education - public health in modern world

Form: online
Zajęcia prowadzone w j. angielskim.

Adresat: nauczyciele przedmiotów przyrodniczych (przyroda, biologia, chemia, geografia, fizyka) oraz zainteresowani tematem ze szkół podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych

Recipients: English language teachers of primary, secondary, and high school education, science (biology, nature, geography, chemistry, physics teachers

Cel, po zajęciach uczestnik:

  • omówi ideę nauczania przez odkrywanie (dociekanie – IBSE) w edukacji przyrodniczej, poda przykłady różnych poziomów IBSE oraz elementów kluczowych tego podejścia edukacyjnego
  • przedstawi elementy składowe argumentu naukowego, rozróżni argumenty pełne od niepełnych poda wyznaczniki dobrego argumentu oraz wykorzysta posiadaną wiedzę i umiejętności do oceny jakości przykładowych argumentów
  • rozróżni model od modelowania oraz wskaże kluczowe elementy modelowania
  • wykorzysta zdobyte informacje do poruszanie się po platformie e-me
  • przedstawi podstawowe założenia oraz zalety i wady idei otwartej szkoły (openschooling)


  • The seminar aims to inform teachers and schools about the PAFSE project and its objectives, as well as to prepare them to implement educational scenarios in their schools, promoting public health in the school and the community.
  • In particular, the seminar aims to enhance the abilities of teachers and schools to effectively explore health education issues in collaboration with local community stakeholders in an open schooling context. Furthermore, the seminar aims to enhance knowledge and strategies of teachers for informed classroom exploration of socio-scientific issues related to public health, and to promote their abilities to support students to carry out a relevant project.
  • Introduce and support teachers on implementing inquiry- orientated and project-based learning in promoting the education of young citizens through creating educational hands-on activities, ability to collect and present data, to reflect and debate regarding matters of pandemic challenges via open schooling interactions


  • University of Cyprus
  • Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Wydział Biologii



Subject and issues


Group 1



Group 2


PAFSE Pedagogical framework and PAFSE digital educational platforms, and educational scenarios


1. PAFSE Pedagogical Framework: Public health and health socio-scientific issues, inquiry-based teaching and learning approach, promotion of nature of science, School research project and pedagogical model of open schooling.

2. Introduction to PAFSE platforms.

3. Pedagogical approaches and development of teaching and learning activities, strategies, and practices.

4. Pedagogical approaches and development of inquiry-based teaching and learning activities, strategies and practices

5. Multiple determinants (e.g., scientific, social, economic cultural and affective).

Educational scenarios:

  • Looking after myself and others – Healthy Eating”
  • “Looking out for my community, Vaccines development and the science that responds to hesitancy”
  • “History of pandemics: what do we know about powerful viruses and their impact?”

6. Questions, comments, discussion and reflection.

Dr. Andreani Baytelman/ UCY, Dr Elena Siakidou/UCY, Prof. Dr Costas P. Constantinou/UCY

Group 1



Group 2



Title: Methodology, technologies, teachers’ classroom practices, challenges and good examples for the implementation of PAFSE educational scenarios’


1. Inquiry based teaching and learning activities for the promotion of conceptual and epistemological understanding, cognitive and affective skills and attitudes towards public health and science.

Educational resources (DLO’s & DER’s)

2. School Research Projects:

Negotiation of the following parts of school research project:

  • Aim of the school project
  • Research questions
  • Hypothesis
  • Method and data collection
  • Results presentation
  • Conclusions
  • Limitations

3. Public health socio-scientific issues and post-truth era: Misinformation and dis- information, nature of science, evaluating sources and information, constructing valid and credible arguments, argumentation and ways of evaluation

4. Planning and implementation of Open schooling event.

5. Partnerships for each educational scenario were discussed.

School research projects:

a) Childhood obesity

b) Vaccines development and the science that responds to hesitancy

6. Questions, comments, discussion and reflection

Dr. Andreani Baytelman/ UCY, Dr Elena Siakidou/UCY, Prof. Dr Costas P. Constantinou/UCY

Group 1



Group 2



Methodology, technologies, teachers’ classroom practices, challenges and good examples for the implementation of PAFSE educational scenarios’


1.Inquiry based teaching and learning activities for

the promotion of conceptual and epistemological understanding, cognitive and affective skills and attitudes towards public health and science.

Educational resources (DLO’s & DER’s)

2. School Research Projects:

Negotiation of the following parts of school research project:

  • Aim of the school project
  • Research questions
  • Hypothesis
  • Method and data collection
  • Results presentation
  • Conclusions
  • Limitations

3. Public health socio-scientific issues and post-truth era: Misinformation and dis- information, nature of science, evaluating sources and information, constructing valid and credible arguments, argumentation and ways of evaluation.

4. Planning and implementation of Open schooling event.

5. Partnerships for each educational scenario were discussed.

School research projects:

Tobacco smoking

6. Questions, comments, discussion and reflection.

Dr. Andreani Baytelman/ UCY, Dr Elena Siakidou/UCY, Prof. Dr Costas P. Constantinou/UCY

Informacje organizacyjne:
Seminarium obejmuje trzy spotkania online.
Po zajęciach przewidziane są konsultacje dla nauczycieli zainteresowanych tematyką szkolenia.

Organizational information:
The seminar includes three online meetings.
After the classes, consultations for teachers interested in the subject of the training are planned.

Cena: zajęcia bezpłatne

Liczba godzin: 15

Registration form in English

Kierownik: Magdalena Radomska, e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript., tel. 618-584-747

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S16 Inquiry based Education - public health in modern world 06-06-2023 16:00 20-06-2023 20:00 Grupa 1.

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S16 Inquiry based Education - public health in modern world 08-06-2023 16:00 22-06-2023 20:00 Grupa 2.

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